At Surmount Investigations we believe every person has a right to live without the fear of violence, has a right to own property or goods without the constant worry it will be damaged or stolen and has a right not to be verbally abused.
However, we are not naïve to believe a housing association or local authority can be everywhere at all time to guarantee such rights are always absolute. Which is where our support services come in!
We provide services that will enable evidence to be acquired at the earliest possible opportunity to help stamp out the sort of acts that leave tenants and residents feeling scared/vulnerable. Threatening behaviour? Criminal damage? Noise pollution? We use covert time-stamped recordings, thorough surveillance logs and the taking of detailed witness statements to help housing associations and local authorities stamp out anti-social behaviour of all kinds in the areas they're responsible for.
Call us now on 0191 4066126 or email and speak to a specialist.